Licensed Plumber Balaclava

Need a plumber any time of day (or night)? Is it a public holiday and you have a plumbing emergency? Then call Sherman Tanks Plumbing!

We’re licensed plumbers in Balaclava, and we specialise in gas installations and hot water systems.

Highly trained, completely qualified and fully licensed – don’t trust your plumbing to anyone else!

Jonathan Sherman


Licence No: 333390C ABN: 39 630 341 061

Sherman Tanks Plumbing provides the following services and products in a prompt and professional manner:

Hot water repairs and replacements


Household repairs - leaking taps, showers, toilets etc.


Gas hot water repairs and replacements


Pipe relining


Upgrades and renovations


Drainage and stormwater


Gas pool heaters repairs and replacements


Hydronic and underfloor heating


Gas bayonets


Plumbing for new residential developments


Gas plumbers available 24/7

Sherman Tanks Plumbing has gas plumbers available 24/7 to help with any gas-related plumbing issues – you’re in the best possible hands when you call us.

We use only the highest quality parts and products, and are known throughout Balaclava and surrounding suburbs for being punctual, polite and providing excellent service.

When you need plumbing services you can count on Sherman Tanks Plumbing 24/7, 365 days a year!

What Our Customers Say

Polite , Punctual , excellent service.

-Jessica York

Came out to fix the plumbing on New Years Eve - life savers!

-John Richmond

Quick and reliable service!

-Sarah Smith

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